Executive Council
Elected on May 12th 2022 at the 23rd General Assembly:
Co-President | LAINÉ Jean-paul | SNESUP-FSU | France |
Co-President | MOLINS Elies | API-CSIC | Spain |
President emeritus | JAEGLE André | UGICT-CGT | France |
General Secretary | DELEPOUVE Marc | SNESUP-FSU | France |
Treasurer | JANOTS Pascal | UGICT-CGT | France |
Vice-president EC | CARVALHO Frederico | OTC | Portugal |
Vice-president EU | VDOVINE Vyacheslav | SNTASR | Russia |
Vice-president AM | MAGNASCO Marcelo | FESIDUAS | Argentina |
Vice-president AS | ZHAO Zhongxian | CAST | China |
Vice-president AF | FALL Malick / SYLLA Cheikhou | SAES / SUDES | Senegal / Senegal |
IS member | BACALEXI Dina | UGICT-SNTRS-CGT | France |
IS member | CARMO André | FENPROF | Portugal |
IS member | HAN Xiqiu | CAST | Chine |
IS member | LAHLOU Mehdi | Individual | Morocco |
IS member | LEJEUNE Sylviane | UGICT-CGT | France |
IS member | MONFORT Patrick | SNCS -FSU | France |
IS member | MOUCHET Florence | SNESUP-FSU | France |
IS member | ROME CHASTANET Josette | Individual | France |
IS member | SAHNOUNE Fatiha | SNCP | Algeria |
IS member | SANTOS Joana | OTC | Portugal |
IS member | SARR DABO Rufina | AFSTech | Senegal |
IS member | SEBANI Jamal | SNESUP | Morocco |
EC member | ABOUNASR Mohamed | SNESUP | Morocco |
EC member | FAYE David Celestin | SAES | Senegal |
EC member | FORTIN Claude | FPPU | Canada |
EC member | GHAZZALI Nadia | Individual | Canada |
EC member | GRALAK Boris | SNCS -FSU | France |
EC member | KHARITONOVA Elena | TUERAS | Russia |
EC member | LOPES Maria Elmina | OTC | Portugal |
EC member | MAICAS Sergi | STEPV | Spain |
EC member | MAYAKI Fatchima | SNECS | Nigeria |
EC member | MAYIMA Brice | SYNESUP | Congo-Brazzaville |
EC member | MBAYE Salma Sylla | AFSTech | Senegal |
EC member | MVE ONDO Bonaventure | MI | Gabon |
EC member | NDIAYE Mame Codou | SUDES | Senegal |
EC member | NGUESSAN Kouamé | CNEC | Côte d’Ivoire |
EC member | REIS Rita | ABIC | Portugal |
EC member | SAINNOKHOI Tserenchimed | MNCS | Mongolie |
EC member | SMOUNI Rachid | SNESUP | Morocco |
EC member | TAHANI Najat | SNESUP-FSU | France |
EC member | XUE Lan | CAST | China |
Finance committee independent of the executive council:
Member of the Finance Committee | BERKOUN Habiba | SNTRS UGICT | France |
Member of the Finance Committee | DINIZ Mario | OTC | Portugal |
Member of the Finance Committee | KASHIN Boris | TUERAS | Russia |
Member of the Finance Committee | NDIAYE Seydi Ababacar | SAES | Senegal |