Resolution concerning the project of Federal Law about the Russian Academy of Sciences and the reorganization of the state academies of sciences

Analyzing the numerous decisions of meetings of labor collectives and workers of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), expressions of majority of members of the Academy and opinion of the international community, the delegates of the 21st General Assembly of WFSW consider that the bill in its current form will:

– lead to the liquidation of current very high effective system of organization of researches in Russia in some institutions of RAS and produce problems with employment in others;

– eliminate social guaranties and social programs in Institutes of RAS;

– disrupt fundamental researches in Russia;

– start a new turn of massive outflow of young scientists from academic science.

All delegates of the 21st General Assembly of WFSW require Russian Power to stop the bill about RAS and to start a dialogue with scientists and their Trade Union about reformation of RAS.

11-th of September, 2013, Nizhny Novgorod