Precariousness in scientific research: an obstacle to scientific and human progress

Appeal for a worldwide campaign and a World Day on March 15, 2017

Many organizations of scientists in the world are mobilizing against the increase in job precariousness and the decline in the quality of scientific and technical research.

The job precariousness of scientists is growing, and as a result :

  •  Living and working conditions are more difficult.
  •  Limited duration job contracts are becoming widespread.
  •  The professional future for many scientists is becoming uncertain.

The quality and content of research are affected

  •  Short-term results take precedence over long-term results.
  •  Certain subjects are abandoned, in particular in basic research.
  •  Profitability and competitiveness and become dominant criteria.
  •  Private management has become widespread and reduces academic freedoms.
  •  Public research is being called into question.

We propose to act together to reverse this trend so as to:

  • Obtain stable jobs for women and men, researchers, teachers, engineers, technicians, young graduates.
  • Direct scientific and technical activity toward the free growth of knowledge and its broadest dissemination, toward the response to the needs of humankind and the challenges it must face, to achieve peace and democracy, eradicate famine and disease, and stop global warming.


It is for these reasons that we have proposed to organize a World Day on March 15, 2017 so that in each country one or several initiatives bring together scientists and inform populations, and that demands be presented to public authorities.

We also propose to create, with other international organizations, delegations representing all parties before UNESCO, UN organizations and regional institutions.

We have set up a blog website for testimonials and propositions.

  • The purpose is to establish, within the variety of situations, the reality of the problem, the reality of its worldwide character.
  • This also makes it possible to illustrate the impact of job precariousness on the quality of research.
  •  This is an appeal to open up paths to a new policy for the sciences.
  •  Lastly, it is necessary to propose objectives for action, broad unity, and organization to prepare this World Day

Each individual can contribute testimonials and propositions on the trilingual blog in French, English and Spanish. One

Facebook page is provided for contributions in each language. The blog is presented at the following address:

We propose to any scientific organization, whether it be a trade union or professional organization, to participate in this World Day, in these initiatives, and in the blog, and to define the way it wishes to participate.