La science et les chercheurs en Urss et en Russie postsovietique
par Evgheni Novosselov
Continuer la lecturepar Evgheni Novosselov
Continuer la lecturepar Joao Cunha Serra. Fen Prof – Portugal
Continuer la lecturepar Marina Kargalova, Académie des Sciences – Russie Tout d’abord je voudrais remercier les organisateurs de ce meeting, la Fédération
Continuer la lectureScience and the research profession in a crisis-ridden global world, par Frederico G. Carvalho, OTC – Organização dos Trabalhadores Científicos,
Continuer la lectureYouth and Science by Alexandar Celebic Eurodoc (Montenegro)
Continuer la lectureSeiji YUASA The Japan Scientists’ Association (JSA) Chasu Bldg. 9F, 9-15 Yushima 1-chome, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan
Continuer la lectureClaus Montonen, INES (International Network of Engineers and Scientists for global responsibility), Department of Physics, University of Helsinki.
Continuer la lectureBy A.G.Demchenko and A.A.Samokhin, Trade Union of Russian Academy of Sciencies
Continuer la lectureAn overview of some major problems the young scientists are facing
Continuer la lectureAntónio Armando da Costa, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Kelvin Building (Room 532), Glasgow University, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK
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